Friday, June 13, 2008

GAO Report on Federal Disability Programs

From Margaret Dunkle, Director, Early Identification and Intervention Collaborative for Los Angeles County and Senior Fellow, Center for Health Services Research & Policy, George Washington University

The Government Accountability Office May 20th report on Federal Disability Programs: More Strategic Coordination Could Help Overcome Challenges to Needed Transformation has a lot going for it. But it’s not the first place one would normally look to find a jazzy report with tough recommendations. GAO recommends that Congress create a new coordinating entity to make more than 200 federal programs in 20 agencies dealing with disabilities fit together for real people. Noting these programs typically have different missions, goals, funding streams and eligibility criteria. And it is generally left to the people with disabilities and their families to figure out how to navigate the confusing maze of services, supports and benefits.

Interestingly, by focusing primarily on adults with disabilities and pretty much ignoring children with disabilities, this report actually underestimates the extent of fragmentation and confusion. You can find the full GAO report at: