There is an upcoming mini DAN! Conference to be held later this month, January
27 and 28, in Jacksonville, Florida. Maureen McDonnell, R.N., Drs. Elizabeth Mumper, Nancy O’Hara, Jerry Kartzinel, and Julie Buckley will provide parents and clinicians with practical information on current research, relevant tests and effective approaches for treating autistic children. Parents are encouraged to attend this session on January 27.
On January 28, licensed health care providers are invited to attend a
full-day intensive training. During this session the DAN! faculty will share their
knowledge and experience regarding how to identify subgroups within the
autism population, prioritize treatments, select appropriate testing, and
interpret lab data. Additionally, information on treating common features
such as intestinal dysbiosis, nutritional imbalances, immune dysregulation,
inefficient detoxification and heavy metal toxicity will be reviewed.
Click here for more info