Thursday, July 27, 2006

Autism Pioneer Dr. John Wilson offers free interview

Autism pioneer Dr. John Wilson offers free interview on Access to Health Experts to the public on August 9, 2006, hosted by Liz Lipski, PhD, CCN. Written and audio transcripts are available after the event from: Dr. Wilson believes children who develop autism are not "hard-wired" for this disease. Rather, genetically susceptible children may develop autism as a response to exposure to environmental influences, i.e. certain types of chemicals in food or the environment, or lack of specific nutrients. The following have been shown to play a significant role in connection to autism:

•Mercury or Thimerosal- a mercury preservative in childhood vaccinations, combined with a genetic inability to excrete this toxic metal.
•Food allergies- primarily of glutein and casein. Glutein is found in most baked goods containing wheat, oats, rye and barley. Casein is the principal protein in milk.
•Severe physical sensitivities and allergies to inhalants, and environmental chemicals.
•About half of all autistic children have an inheritable metabolic impairment in their body's utilization of vitamin B-12 and Folic Acid.

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