Sunday, June 25, 2006

New law calls for speech therapy for autistic children

Published: Saturday, June 24, 2006

SPRINGFIELD — A new state law meant to help children with autism will require insurance plans to pay for an extra 20 speech therapy sessions each year.
"It's significant in many ways because it's opening the door for official coverage from insurance companies," she said. "And it's sending a message that insurance companies ought to recognize the needs, physical needs, that are necessary to provide a more functioning lifestyle for autistic children."
According to the governor's office, the new law requires all state, local and private insurance plans to pay for treatment of "pervasive developmental disorders" and requires group health benefit plans to provide coverage for 20 additional outpatient visits for speech therapy. As insurance plans get renewed during the next year, the extra coverage will be included in the new policies, Blagojevich's office said.

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