The Autism Insurance Information discussion group has been developed for discussions regarding medical insurance coverage for Autism:
The purpose is information sharing, ideas on working with the system of insurance provisions and ways of ensuring coverage is provided according to the laws that govern Insurance, Medicaid and Tricare.
Within the Autism Community there is a wealth of information, experience and resources to address these issues, however there has not been a single source that is accessible for that information. This board is a place to bridge the gap, by providing a forum of sharing and collaboration.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Practical ways to help, plan and manage daily living with autism
Autism resource information to support, empower and inform
Friday, June 30, 2006
Kaiser opens center for autistic children
By Dorsey Griffith -- Bee Medical Writer
Friday, June 30, 2006
Rancho Cordova -- Kaiser Permanente opened a new center Thursday to serve autistic children throughout the region.
The Autism Spectrum Disorders Center, housed within Kaiser's medical offices in Rancho Cordova, will offer a full range of services for the estimated 1,200 pediatric Kaiser members diagnosed with autism.
The center, modeled after a similar Kaiser center in San Jose, will include a team of health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, neurologists, social workers and speech therapists.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Practical ways to help, plan and manage daily living with autism
Autism resource information to support, empower and inform
Friday, June 30, 2006
Rancho Cordova -- Kaiser Permanente opened a new center Thursday to serve autistic children throughout the region.
The Autism Spectrum Disorders Center, housed within Kaiser's medical offices in Rancho Cordova, will offer a full range of services for the estimated 1,200 pediatric Kaiser members diagnosed with autism.
The center, modeled after a similar Kaiser center in San Jose, will include a team of health professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, neurologists, social workers and speech therapists.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Practical ways to help, plan and manage daily living with autism
Autism resource information to support, empower and inform
VESID - Changes to Part 80 Regulations (NYS)
Changes have been made to Part 80 Regulations of the Commissioner of Education to provide a one-time opportunity to renew expired provisional pupil personnel services and administrator certificates, and additional time for teaching assistants to meet certification requirements.
A memorandum from Deputy Commissioner Johanna Duncan-Poitier can be found at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
A memorandum from Deputy Commissioner Johanna Duncan-Poitier can be found at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Key To Early Diagnosis Of Autism May Be In The Placenta
Read article by Science Daily at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Study: Autistic epileptiform regression
Funct Neurol. 2006 Apr-Jun;21(2):97-101.
Autistic epileptiform regression.
Canitano R, Zappella M.
Autistic regression is a well known condition that occurs in one third of children with pervasive developmental disorders, who, after normal development in the first year of life, undergo a global regression during the second year that encompasses language, social skills and play. In a portion of these subjects, epileptiform abnormalities are present with or without seizures, resembling, in some respects, other epileptiform regressions of language and behaviour such as Landau-Kleffner syndrome. In these cases, for a more accurate definition of the clinical entity, the term autistic epileptifom regression has been suggested. As in other epileptic syndromes with regression, the relationships between EEG abnormalities, language and behaviour, in autism, are still unclear. We describe two cases of autistic epileptiform regression selected from a larger group of children with autistic spectrum disorders, with the aim of discussing the clinical features of the condition, the therapeutic approach and the outcome.
PMID: 16796825 [PubMed - in process]
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Autistic epileptiform regression.
Canitano R, Zappella M.
Autistic regression is a well known condition that occurs in one third of children with pervasive developmental disorders, who, after normal development in the first year of life, undergo a global regression during the second year that encompasses language, social skills and play. In a portion of these subjects, epileptiform abnormalities are present with or without seizures, resembling, in some respects, other epileptiform regressions of language and behaviour such as Landau-Kleffner syndrome. In these cases, for a more accurate definition of the clinical entity, the term autistic epileptifom regression has been suggested. As in other epileptic syndromes with regression, the relationships between EEG abnormalities, language and behaviour, in autism, are still unclear. We describe two cases of autistic epileptiform regression selected from a larger group of children with autistic spectrum disorders, with the aim of discussing the clinical features of the condition, the therapeutic approach and the outcome.
PMID: 16796825 [PubMed - in process]
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
School can be cruel for kids with autism
July 2006
Children with autism are being let down by a lack of resources, according to a new report*.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) published the report as it launched a campaign to close the gap "between what families of children with autism want and what they actually get".
The Make School Make Sense Campaign, delivered as a petition to Downing Street by NAS president Jane Asher and two students with autism - Shomari Nassor (left) and Jonathan Senga (right) - highlights how 50 per cent of children with autism are not in the kind of school their parents believe would best support them.
It also shows that 40 per cent of children with autism are bullied at school and despite one in 110 children having the impairment, there is no requirement for teachers to undertake any training in autism.
Read full article at:
For information, reosurces and practical strategies on autism visit:
Children with autism are being let down by a lack of resources, according to a new report*.
The National Autistic Society (NAS) published the report as it launched a campaign to close the gap "between what families of children with autism want and what they actually get".
The Make School Make Sense Campaign, delivered as a petition to Downing Street by NAS president Jane Asher and two students with autism - Shomari Nassor (left) and Jonathan Senga (right) - highlights how 50 per cent of children with autism are not in the kind of school their parents believe would best support them.
It also shows that 40 per cent of children with autism are bullied at school and despite one in 110 children having the impairment, there is no requirement for teachers to undertake any training in autism.
Read full article at:
For information, reosurces and practical strategies on autism visit:
Monday, June 26, 2006
Listen to Aurthor David Kirby Radio Interview On Line
David Kirby is the author of Evidence of Harm, a best-selling book expose of a possible link between public health negligence and the autism epidemic. Last week Kirby taped a radio interview on The Bill Handel Show, KFI AM Radio, Los Angeles, CA.
To Listen To David Kirby Radio Interview On Line:
When the window opens, Click On: Click Here To Launch
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
To Listen To David Kirby Radio Interview On Line:
When the window opens, Click On: Click Here To Launch
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Are Digestive Enzymes Safe for Children?
Today, children are increasingly vulnerable to digestive ailments andthe long term diseases that accompany them. According to Liz Lipski, authorof Digestive Wellness for Children, "Many of children's health problems suchas ADD, obesity, autism, asthma, depression, and diabetes actually stem frompoor food choice and faulty digestion. Much of this illness is preventable,controllable, and curable." An inability to absorb the food we take in oftencreates a reaction in our system of either deficiency, or an immune systemresponse such as inflammation, due to the undigested particles entering theblood stream. In the long run, both situations set our bodies up fordisease.
Read the company press release at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Read the company press release at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Sunday, June 25, 2006
NY Report Denounces Shock Use At School
Says students are living in fear
By Scott Allen, Boston Globe.
New York education officials issued a scathing report yesterday on a Massachusetts school that punishes troubled and disabled students withelectric shocks, finding that they can be shocked for simply nagging the teacher and that some are forced to wear shock devices in the bathtub orshower, posing an electrocution hazard.
To read the full report, visit
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
By Scott Allen, Boston Globe.
New York education officials issued a scathing report yesterday on a Massachusetts school that punishes troubled and disabled students withelectric shocks, finding that they can be shocked for simply nagging the teacher and that some are forced to wear shock devices in the bathtub orshower, posing an electrocution hazard.
To read the full report, visit
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
New law calls for speech therapy for autistic children
Published: Saturday, June 24, 2006
SPRINGFIELD — A new state law meant to help children with autism will require insurance plans to pay for an extra 20 speech therapy sessions each year.
"It's significant in many ways because it's opening the door for official coverage from insurance companies," she said. "And it's sending a message that insurance companies ought to recognize the needs, physical needs, that are necessary to provide a more functioning lifestyle for autistic children."
According to the governor's office, the new law requires all state, local and private insurance plans to pay for treatment of "pervasive developmental disorders" and requires group health benefit plans to provide coverage for 20 additional outpatient visits for speech therapy. As insurance plans get renewed during the next year, the extra coverage will be included in the new policies, Blagojevich's office said.
Excerpts full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
SPRINGFIELD — A new state law meant to help children with autism will require insurance plans to pay for an extra 20 speech therapy sessions each year.
"It's significant in many ways because it's opening the door for official coverage from insurance companies," she said. "And it's sending a message that insurance companies ought to recognize the needs, physical needs, that are necessary to provide a more functioning lifestyle for autistic children."
According to the governor's office, the new law requires all state, local and private insurance plans to pay for treatment of "pervasive developmental disorders" and requires group health benefit plans to provide coverage for 20 additional outpatient visits for speech therapy. As insurance plans get renewed during the next year, the extra coverage will be included in the new policies, Blagojevich's office said.
Excerpts full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
Friday, June 23, 2006
Doctors want to screen out embryos with autism
By Sarah-Kate Templeton, Health Correspondent
A team of doctors at one of Britain’s leading hospitals wants to create the country’s first “designer babies” free from autism.
They are preparing an application to the fertility watchdog that would allow them to screen out male embryos to reduce significantly the chance of a couple having an autistic child.
As boys are four times more likely to be born with autism than girls, couples with a family history of the condition want to ensure they have only girls. Such sex selec! tion is not at present permitted.
The technique, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), has been used to create babies free from life-threatening illnesses such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
Full article at:,,2087-2230764,00.html
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
A team of doctors at one of Britain’s leading hospitals wants to create the country’s first “designer babies” free from autism.
They are preparing an application to the fertility watchdog that would allow them to screen out male embryos to reduce significantly the chance of a couple having an autistic child.
As boys are four times more likely to be born with autism than girls, couples with a family history of the condition want to ensure they have only girls. Such sex selec! tion is not at present permitted.
The technique, called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), has been used to create babies free from life-threatening illnesses such as Duchenne muscular dystrophy and haemophilia.
Full article at:,,2087-2230764,00.html
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Study: Autism in children can be detected as early as age 14 months
Autism in children can be detected as early as age 14 months, a new study shows.
Autism is rarely diagnosed before a child is 3 years old. Cutting that time in half means less precious time lost in getting autistic children the treatment they urgently need -- when it's likely to do the most good.
The new finding comes from researchers including Rebecca Landa, PhD, director of the center for autism and related disorders at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore. Landa tested motor, language, and visual skills in the younger siblings of autistic children. Such children are 100 times more likely to be autistic than other children.
"At 6 months of age, babies with autism were no different than anybody else," Landa tells WebMD. "By 14 months, though, kids with autism are different in both language development and motor control. They are not globally mentally retarded. Whatever is wrong with them, it influences their motor system as well as the development of their language system."
Using tests of motor and language development at age 14 months, Landa says, allowed her to predict autism in 70 percent of children ultimately diagnosed with the condition. The prediction isn't the same as a diagnosis. But it offers these children a chance for early treatment. And the earlier a child enters autism treatment, the better that child's ultimate outcome.
Read article at:,2933,198230,00.html
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Autism is rarely diagnosed before a child is 3 years old. Cutting that time in half means less precious time lost in getting autistic children the treatment they urgently need -- when it's likely to do the most good.
The new finding comes from researchers including Rebecca Landa, PhD, director of the center for autism and related disorders at Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore. Landa tested motor, language, and visual skills in the younger siblings of autistic children. Such children are 100 times more likely to be autistic than other children.
"At 6 months of age, babies with autism were no different than anybody else," Landa tells WebMD. "By 14 months, though, kids with autism are different in both language development and motor control. They are not globally mentally retarded. Whatever is wrong with them, it influences their motor system as well as the development of their language system."
Using tests of motor and language development at age 14 months, Landa says, allowed her to predict autism in 70 percent of children ultimately diagnosed with the condition. The prediction isn't the same as a diagnosis. But it offers these children a chance for early treatment. And the earlier a child enters autism treatment, the better that child's ultimate outcome.
Read article at:,2933,198230,00.html
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Clinic is all about 'talking, talking'
by bob allen
For the most part, the young autistic children involved in weekday sessions at the clinic of Trellis Services in Cockeysville seem quite happy even though, for the most part, they are silent.
"We have some 4- and 5-year-olds who don't have words, or they have words but they are not meaningful," said Kathy Niager, Trellis Services' owner and director.
"Often when they first come in, they are very disengaged. They don't want to play with people," said Niager, a psychologist specializing in developmental disorders who lives in Cockeysville.
The instructors at Trellis work one-on-one with the children, who range in age from 2 to 6. Activities include reading stories to the children, playing with them on the playground or engaging them in play with action figures, toy trucks and cars, board games, water colors, musical instruments, bells, brightly colored balloons and other objects meant to stimulate their sensory perception and spark their incipient verbal skills.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
by bob allen
For the most part, the young autistic children involved in weekday sessions at the clinic of Trellis Services in Cockeysville seem quite happy even though, for the most part, they are silent.
"We have some 4- and 5-year-olds who don't have words, or they have words but they are not meaningful," said Kathy Niager, Trellis Services' owner and director.
"Often when they first come in, they are very disengaged. They don't want to play with people," said Niager, a psychologist specializing in developmental disorders who lives in Cockeysville.
The instructors at Trellis work one-on-one with the children, who range in age from 2 to 6. Activities include reading stories to the children, playing with them on the playground or engaging them in play with action figures, toy trucks and cars, board games, water colors, musical instruments, bells, brightly colored balloons and other objects meant to stimulate their sensory perception and spark their incipient verbal skills.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Study: Autism has higher occurrence in polluted areas
Study: Autism has higher occurrence in polluted areas, study finds
By Maria Cone, (c) 2006, Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles --- Children with autism disorders in the San Francisco Bay Area were 50 percent more likely to be born in neighborhoods with high amounts of several toxic air contaminants, particularly mercury, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the California Department of Health Services.
The new findings, which surprised the researchers, suggest that a mother's exposure to industrial air pollutants while pregnant might increase her child's risk of autism, a neurological condition increasingly diagnosed in the past 10 years.
But the scientists cautioned that the link they found in the Bay Area is uncertain, and more definitive evidence would be needed before concluding that mercury or any other pollutant could trigger autism.
Gayle Windham, the study's lead researcher and senior epidemiologist in the state health department's environmental health investigations branch, called it "a single small study" and "a first look" at whether toxic pollutants play a role in the neurological disorder, which is often marked by poor verbal and communication skills and withdrawal from social interaction.Scientists have long wondered if the surge in diagnoses is due, in part, to environmental causes. Some of the increase comes from growing doctor and parent awareness, but experts say that cannot explain all of it.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
By Maria Cone, (c) 2006, Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles --- Children with autism disorders in the San Francisco Bay Area were 50 percent more likely to be born in neighborhoods with high amounts of several toxic air contaminants, particularly mercury, according to a first-of-its-kind study by the California Department of Health Services.
The new findings, which surprised the researchers, suggest that a mother's exposure to industrial air pollutants while pregnant might increase her child's risk of autism, a neurological condition increasingly diagnosed in the past 10 years.
But the scientists cautioned that the link they found in the Bay Area is uncertain, and more definitive evidence would be needed before concluding that mercury or any other pollutant could trigger autism.
Gayle Windham, the study's lead researcher and senior epidemiologist in the state health department's environmental health investigations branch, called it "a single small study" and "a first look" at whether toxic pollutants play a role in the neurological disorder, which is often marked by poor verbal and communication skills and withdrawal from social interaction.Scientists have long wondered if the surge in diagnoses is due, in part, to environmental causes. Some of the increase comes from growing doctor and parent awareness, but experts say that cannot explain all of it.
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Autism Health Insurance Rights Bill Passes in New York!
After three years, the New York Assembly passed Autism Health Insurance Rights Bill A699 on June 19, 2006, and the Senate passed S784 on June 20, 2006. Now the bill goes on Governor Pataki to sign.
To view A699 go to:
Thank you for sending your letters and making those phone calls to your legislators!
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
To view A699 go to:
Thank you for sending your letters and making those phone calls to your legislators!
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Study: Gene interaction raises autism risk in blacks and whites
A combination of two malfunctioning genes increases the risk of autism among African Americans, researchers at Duke University Medical Center have found. This same gene combination also increases the risk of autism in Caucasians, the Duke team reported in a 2005 study.
June 2006 - The researchers believe their new study is the first to examine the genetics of autism in African Americans, despite the disorder's equal prevalence across ethnic groups.
The finding will be critical to developing new treatments for both African Americans and Caucasians, the researchers said.
For example, certain symptoms associated with autism, such as delayed language development and problems handling daily life tasks, are more severe in African American individuals with autism than in Caucasians, Cuccaro said. Such differences make it important to understand the range of underlying genes that contribute to the disorder in various population groups.
"Many diseases, such as sickle cell and cystic fibrosis, have different genetic origins in African Americans versus other racial groups," Cuccaro said. "The most effective drugs are those which target the specific genes that are malfunctioning, so we must define which genes play a role for each ethnic group."
Excerpts from article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
June 2006 - The researchers believe their new study is the first to examine the genetics of autism in African Americans, despite the disorder's equal prevalence across ethnic groups.
The finding will be critical to developing new treatments for both African Americans and Caucasians, the researchers said.
For example, certain symptoms associated with autism, such as delayed language development and problems handling daily life tasks, are more severe in African American individuals with autism than in Caucasians, Cuccaro said. Such differences make it important to understand the range of underlying genes that contribute to the disorder in various population groups.
"Many diseases, such as sickle cell and cystic fibrosis, have different genetic origins in African Americans versus other racial groups," Cuccaro said. "The most effective drugs are those which target the specific genes that are malfunctioning, so we must define which genes play a role for each ethnic group."
Excerpts from article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Study: Family Support Service in the United States
New Data Reveals That While 61 Percent Of Persons With Intellectual Disabilities Receive Care From A Family Member, Only Five Percent Of Government Spending Is Directed Towards Family Care
While family spending increased 16% from 2002-2004, it still constitutes a small fraction of public spending on developmental disability services, reveals new data from the well-known State of the States study by David L. Braddock at the University of Colorado. In 2004, 395,978 families received family support services, an increase of only 2,249 families from the number supported in 2002. In 2004, the average spending per family across the states was $5,005, ranging from $235 per year per family in Alabama to over$10,000 in nine states. With more state budget cuts planned and a shortage of direct support workers, family support services remains more vulnerable than ever.
Excerpt from Policy Research Brief, Family Support Service in the United States
Published by the Research and Training Center on Community Living,
Institute on Community Integration (UCEDD)
College of Education and Human Development,
University of MinnesotaVolume 17• Number 1 • February 2006
Read the data from the study at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
While family spending increased 16% from 2002-2004, it still constitutes a small fraction of public spending on developmental disability services, reveals new data from the well-known State of the States study by David L. Braddock at the University of Colorado. In 2004, 395,978 families received family support services, an increase of only 2,249 families from the number supported in 2002. In 2004, the average spending per family across the states was $5,005, ranging from $235 per year per family in Alabama to over$10,000 in nine states. With more state budget cuts planned and a shortage of direct support workers, family support services remains more vulnerable than ever.
Excerpt from Policy Research Brief, Family Support Service in the United States
Published by the Research and Training Center on Community Living,
Institute on Community Integration (UCEDD)
College of Education and Human Development,
University of MinnesotaVolume 17• Number 1 • February 2006
Read the data from the study at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
Researcher studies connection between autism, vaccines
By Scott Hilyard
Monday, June 12 2006
Dr. David Ayoub, the self-taught expert on vaccines, mercury and the autism epidemic, stood in the back of the room on the second floor of First United Methodist Church in Normal, Ill., recently on the verge of a lecture.
He faced the backs of his audience. They all faced a portable tripod screen that would soon display a dizzying torrent of Power Point charts, graphs, facts and statistics for the consumption of the standing-room crowd of Illinois State University college students, instructors and people whose connection to the misery, mayhem and melancholy of autism were more personal, confounding and intense.
He began: "You might wonder that a radiologist who doesn't have a child with autism might come across as being a little bit on the fringe (on this topic)," Ayoub said, the light touch of self-deprecation, depending on a person's point of view, either cementing his credibility or undermining it. "I just want to know the truth like I'm sure you just want to know the truth."
Full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
Monday, June 12 2006
Dr. David Ayoub, the self-taught expert on vaccines, mercury and the autism epidemic, stood in the back of the room on the second floor of First United Methodist Church in Normal, Ill., recently on the verge of a lecture.
He faced the backs of his audience. They all faced a portable tripod screen that would soon display a dizzying torrent of Power Point charts, graphs, facts and statistics for the consumption of the standing-room crowd of Illinois State University college students, instructors and people whose connection to the misery, mayhem and melancholy of autism were more personal, confounding and intense.
He began: "You might wonder that a radiologist who doesn't have a child with autism might come across as being a little bit on the fringe (on this topic)," Ayoub said, the light touch of self-deprecation, depending on a person's point of view, either cementing his credibility or undermining it. "I just want to know the truth like I'm sure you just want to know the truth."
Full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies visit:
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Autism Study on Promising Supplement Approved
Autism Study on Promising Supplement Approved
Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), a safe, natural, inert mineral supplement has generated many encouraging reports from parents of autistic children. NCD has attracted the interest of some of the leading autism researchers and physicians. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the benefits of NCD Zeolite on Autism Spectrum Disorders was approved by BioMed IRB on June 7, 2006.
San Diego, California - June 7, 2006
BioMed IRB of San Diego, California has approved a clinical trial that seeks to evaluate the benefits of adding a patented supplement, NCD zeolite, to the diet of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Natural Cellular Defense is purified clinoptilolite, a type of zeolite, suspended in solution. The zeolite is purified using a patented process and named NCD Zeolite™.
This form of zeolite is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, and it has a microscopic honeycomb-like crystalline structure of cavities and cages. Animal studies show that they have the ability to attract, trap, bind and remove various heavy metals and toxins such as mercury, lead and arsenic.
The study's eighty autistic children will be divided into two groups. One group is receiving the NCD zeolite and the other the placebo for ninety days. Both groups will be measured using a variety of established instruments for autism diagnosis and treatment evaluation. Further, since other animal and human studies with zeolite have demonstrated the ability for zeolite to remove heavy metals, a portion of the participants will receive a series of urine excretion tests designed to detect levels of heavy metal excretion. If previous studies in adults hold true for these autistic children, the researchers may see excretion rates as high as 10 times over their baseline.
At the end of the ninety day study period, those receiving the placebo will then begin taking the NCD and be tracked for ninety more days.
Two sites have been approved so far. In Plano, Texas, Dr. Seshagiri Rao, a Board Certified Pediatrician is the lead investigator. The second site, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is lead by Dr. Stephanie Cave. Both sites have begun recruiting for study participants. Visit to learn how to apply.
Professor James Adams, PhD will conduct the study data analysis. Dr. Adams has previously published studies on the high level of mercury toxicity common in many autistic children. Other studies suggest a possible link between Thirmersol concentration found in many vaccines and the high mercury levels in autistic children.
Contact Forrist Lytehaause for more insights into this topic.
Direct line: (503) 699-4925
Other helpful information regarding the study can be found at:
For More Information Contact: Forrist Lytehaause
company: Health and Wellness Research Institute
contact person: Forrist Lytehaausee-mail:
phone: 503-699-4925
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Autism Study on Promising Supplement Approved
Natural Cellular Defense (NCD), a safe, natural, inert mineral supplement has generated many encouraging reports from parents of autistic children. NCD has attracted the interest of some of the leading autism researchers and physicians. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study designed to evaluate the benefits of NCD Zeolite on Autism Spectrum Disorders was approved by BioMed IRB on June 7, 2006.
San Diego, California - June 7, 2006
BioMed IRB of San Diego, California has approved a clinical trial that seeks to evaluate the benefits of adding a patented supplement, NCD zeolite, to the diet of children diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Natural Cellular Defense is purified clinoptilolite, a type of zeolite, suspended in solution. The zeolite is purified using a patented process and named NCD Zeolite™.
This form of zeolite is one of the few negatively charged minerals in nature, and it has a microscopic honeycomb-like crystalline structure of cavities and cages. Animal studies show that they have the ability to attract, trap, bind and remove various heavy metals and toxins such as mercury, lead and arsenic.
The study's eighty autistic children will be divided into two groups. One group is receiving the NCD zeolite and the other the placebo for ninety days. Both groups will be measured using a variety of established instruments for autism diagnosis and treatment evaluation. Further, since other animal and human studies with zeolite have demonstrated the ability for zeolite to remove heavy metals, a portion of the participants will receive a series of urine excretion tests designed to detect levels of heavy metal excretion. If previous studies in adults hold true for these autistic children, the researchers may see excretion rates as high as 10 times over their baseline.
At the end of the ninety day study period, those receiving the placebo will then begin taking the NCD and be tracked for ninety more days.
Two sites have been approved so far. In Plano, Texas, Dr. Seshagiri Rao, a Board Certified Pediatrician is the lead investigator. The second site, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is lead by Dr. Stephanie Cave. Both sites have begun recruiting for study participants. Visit to learn how to apply.
Professor James Adams, PhD will conduct the study data analysis. Dr. Adams has previously published studies on the high level of mercury toxicity common in many autistic children. Other studies suggest a possible link between Thirmersol concentration found in many vaccines and the high mercury levels in autistic children.
Contact Forrist Lytehaause for more insights into this topic.
Direct line: (503) 699-4925
Other helpful information regarding the study can be found at:
For More Information Contact: Forrist Lytehaause
company: Health and Wellness Research Institute
contact person: Forrist Lytehaausee-mail:
phone: 503-699-4925
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Free Autism Mini-Conference
Autism Mini-Conference
Friday, June 9th 2006 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.
Cupertino Community Hall
10300 Torre Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Speaking will be Rick Rollens, one of the founding fathers of the UC Davis M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders ) Institute, and Dr. Paul Ashwood.
Dr. Ashwood, an immunologist, is a recent recruit to the M.I.N.D. Institute. Much of his current work is directed at characterizing the role of the immune system in autism. Recognizing the highly complex and interconnected nature of the immune and central nervous systems, Ashwood is interested in exploring whether the health of one system is integral to the healthy development of the other. His initial efforts at the M.I.N.D. Institute will be to fully characterize the immune response in children with autism. Ashwood’s original research in his native England involved identification of a new variant of inflammatory bowel disease found in some cases of autism.
Please attend this very informative Autism Mini-Conference and learn from the experts on the latest studies related to Autism research.
Health and Nutrition Conference
Saturday, June 10th 2006 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cupertino City Hall
OSF Health and Nutrition Council is going to present the pressing topics everyone needs to know. The topics including:
· Four Steps to Optimal Health
· Laughaway for Health, Happiness, and Peace
· No Sweat to Stay Young and Healthy
· How to improve Brain Function Naturally
· How Can Chiropractic Help Special Needs People
· Updates in Cancer Screenings
Lion Club’s Mobil Screen Unit will be here to help screen your health. Vendors and medical experts in health profession will be on site to provide services.
For more information please call Chihua Wei at 408-996-0850, or visit the OSF website at
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Friday, June 9th 2006 7:00 p.m to 9:00 p.m.
Cupertino Community Hall
10300 Torre Ave.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Speaking will be Rick Rollens, one of the founding fathers of the UC Davis M.I.N.D. (Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders ) Institute, and Dr. Paul Ashwood.
Dr. Ashwood, an immunologist, is a recent recruit to the M.I.N.D. Institute. Much of his current work is directed at characterizing the role of the immune system in autism. Recognizing the highly complex and interconnected nature of the immune and central nervous systems, Ashwood is interested in exploring whether the health of one system is integral to the healthy development of the other. His initial efforts at the M.I.N.D. Institute will be to fully characterize the immune response in children with autism. Ashwood’s original research in his native England involved identification of a new variant of inflammatory bowel disease found in some cases of autism.
Please attend this very informative Autism Mini-Conference and learn from the experts on the latest studies related to Autism research.
Health and Nutrition Conference
Saturday, June 10th 2006 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cupertino City Hall
OSF Health and Nutrition Council is going to present the pressing topics everyone needs to know. The topics including:
· Four Steps to Optimal Health
· Laughaway for Health, Happiness, and Peace
· No Sweat to Stay Young and Healthy
· How to improve Brain Function Naturally
· How Can Chiropractic Help Special Needs People
· Updates in Cancer Screenings
Lion Club’s Mobil Screen Unit will be here to help screen your health. Vendors and medical experts in health profession will be on site to provide services.
For more information please call Chihua Wei at 408-996-0850, or visit the OSF website at
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Study Raises New Concerns About Mercury in Tuna
June 6, 2006 · A new study from Consumer Reports recommends that pregnant women refrain from eating any canned tuna of any type. Previously, it was believed that light tuna had lower mercury content.
The magazine's study found that although most of the cans of light tuna it tested did have less mercury than white tuna, some had at least as much of the harmful chemical element as white tuna -- and in some cases, significantly more.
As a result, the magazine's experts conclude: "[T]here's enough uncertainty about the safety of even brief exposure of the fetus to such higher mercury levels that a more cautious approach is warranted."
Read full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
The magazine's study found that although most of the cans of light tuna it tested did have less mercury than white tuna, some had at least as much of the harmful chemical element as white tuna -- and in some cases, significantly more.
As a result, the magazine's experts conclude: "[T]here's enough uncertainty about the safety of even brief exposure of the fetus to such higher mercury levels that a more cautious approach is warranted."
Read full article at:
For information, resources and practical strategies on autism visit:
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Message from ACHAMP:
This Sunday evening, June 4th 2006 (7 PM - 9 PM est),
Dateline NBC has a 12 minute segment featuring Baxter Berle and Joshua Shoemaker, two children on the road to recovery from autism. The segment also includes information about thetreatment research of Dr. James Adams.
Dr. Adams told people at the Autism One conference he saw the piece and thinksit is fair.
This past year Dateline NBC reviewed SCNM’s chelation research study with autistic children, conducted exclusively by the Southwest College Research Institute at SCNM. It has been confirmed that the piece will air on Dateline NBC on the evening of June 4th. Please check your local listings for the correct time.
Those involved have been informed by the segment producer that the NBCexecutives REALLY listen to the letters and emails. After viewing, PLEASECOMMENT so they will consider airing future segments on this important topic at
Inside Dateline: The unorthodox practice of chelationProducer: Could childhood vaccines have any link to autism?
• June 2, 2006 4:33 p.m. ET
The unorthodox practice called chelation (Alexandra Gleysteen, Dateline producer)
I may be a network news producer, but first and foremost, I’m a mother. I only have one child, a boy born in 1992. That’s just around the time the autism rates began to soar, especially here in California where I live. Some say the new big numbers—(one in 175 American children could be diagnosed this year compared to the 1980’s when it was 1 in 100,000 kids)--simply reflect the fact that more children are labeled autistic today because we recognize the condition. But others argue there’s just more autism around and that nobody knows why. All I know is that back when my son was born, people started talking about this mysterious condition called autism. And with boys being almost four times as likely to be diagnosed as girls, I began to pay attention.
So why do a story 13 years later on an obscure and unorthodox practice called “chelation”? Maybe it’s because a lot of parents of autistic children have reported that removing heavy metals from their children’s systems made their boy or girl’s life a little bit better. Some parents claim their daughter’s language improved or that they finally toilet trained their son, or perhaps it was just a sense that “the fog” isolating their child from the “real” world lifted a little bit. We heard even more dramatic claims that chelation had helped “cure” children of autism. Now, it may or may not be true, but you can understand why parents would want to believe something good could happen for their children. We learned early on in this story that the parents of autistic children rarely give up.
Parents like Jim Adams, a professor of chemistry at Arizona State University. I think that if I were an autistic child, he’d be the kind of father I’d want to have. He sees beyond convention, but uses reason, and he is totally devoted to children with autism. In today’s vernacular, he’s got their back.
When Jim and his wife, Marie, learned that their daughter Kim was autistic, their reaction was pretty normal. They grieved when doctors predicted a depressing future for their two year old, one without language, independence, friendship or hope. But they quickly rallied and became incredible advocates and activists for their autistic child.
One of the first things Jim did when he got the news about Kim was to trade in the study of materials engineering for the study of heavy metals and brain chemistry. Today he’s considered an expert on how vitamins and minerals interact with the brain, especially autistic brains. Marie and Jim have changed almost every other aspect of everyday life as well: from how they schedule their days (by putting Kim’s endless needs for tutoring, therapy and treatment first), to how they clean their house (no chemicals that could upset Kim’s sensitive system), to how they eat (lots of protein and no wheat for Kim.)
Being around them while shooting this story, you can tell that they don’t consider these changes in lifestyle an obligation. It’s just another expression of their love for a girl doctors wrote off years ago. And by the way, they’ve proven those doctors wrong. While Kim’s future is still uncertain, the fact is that at twelve, she still lives at home, communicates with language, plays games with her older sister, rides a bus to school and hugs you endlessly.
We met Jim and his family because of his latest endeavor. Along with a doctor named Matt Boral from the Southwest School of Naturopathic Medicine, Jim is on a quest. He wants to help answer a really explosive issue in the world of autism research: Do heavy metals, particularly mercury, play any part in causing autism—and/or does removing mercury from the body improve an autistic child’s health? Mercury is a known neuro-toxin and is found all around us, especially in pollution. But there is enormous controversy surrounding one particular source: childhood vaccines. Until it began being phased out of infant vaccines a few years ago, most childhood vaccines contained a preservative called thimerasol, which is primarily mercury. Many parents believe that it was routine vaccinations that helped precipitate their children’s autism.
That is not the position of government agencies, including the CDC and NIH, nor major scientific organizations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics. They maintain science has clearly established that there is no link between mercury from vaccines and autism. But somehow the question never dies, in part because activist parents question the government’s original research into the matter.
Jim Adams knows he’s stepping into what so far has proven to be a political and medical minefield, but as a scientist he says he’s just forging ahead. He’s conducting the first double blind, placebo controlled study on chelation, in which he’ll follow 80 autistic children to see if their health and behavior improve once they’ve rid their bodies of heavy metals, including mercury. If chelation helps them, the study will help chip away at the mainstream scientific view that mercury isn’t related to autism. If chelation doesn’t have any impact on them, Jim figures he’s helped put the issue to rest. But in either case, he says he’ll feel good knowing he’s advanced our understanding of autism.
Whether you are a parent of an autistic child, or just a producer reporting on one, you can’t help but admire people who’ve put aside anger or self-pity, and instead moved on to lead lives of curiosity, purpose and dedication. Which perhaps goes back to the original question about why 13 years later, I find myself doing a story on chelation. Why wouldn’t I? We all want the answers.
Dateline will follow up to see what happens as the study concludes sometime in the winter of 2006.
Our report on Jim Adams' quest and chelation airs Dateline Sunday, 7 p.m.
For information, resources and strategies on autism visit:
This Sunday evening, June 4th 2006 (7 PM - 9 PM est),
Dateline NBC has a 12 minute segment featuring Baxter Berle and Joshua Shoemaker, two children on the road to recovery from autism. The segment also includes information about thetreatment research of Dr. James Adams.
Dr. Adams told people at the Autism One conference he saw the piece and thinksit is fair.
This past year Dateline NBC reviewed SCNM’s chelation research study with autistic children, conducted exclusively by the Southwest College Research Institute at SCNM. It has been confirmed that the piece will air on Dateline NBC on the evening of June 4th. Please check your local listings for the correct time.
Those involved have been informed by the segment producer that the NBCexecutives REALLY listen to the letters and emails. After viewing, PLEASECOMMENT so they will consider airing future segments on this important topic at
Inside Dateline: The unorthodox practice of chelationProducer: Could childhood vaccines have any link to autism?
• June 2, 2006 4:33 p.m. ET
The unorthodox practice called chelation (Alexandra Gleysteen, Dateline producer)
I may be a network news producer, but first and foremost, I’m a mother. I only have one child, a boy born in 1992. That’s just around the time the autism rates began to soar, especially here in California where I live. Some say the new big numbers—(one in 175 American children could be diagnosed this year compared to the 1980’s when it was 1 in 100,000 kids)--simply reflect the fact that more children are labeled autistic today because we recognize the condition. But others argue there’s just more autism around and that nobody knows why. All I know is that back when my son was born, people started talking about this mysterious condition called autism. And with boys being almost four times as likely to be diagnosed as girls, I began to pay attention.
So why do a story 13 years later on an obscure and unorthodox practice called “chelation”? Maybe it’s because a lot of parents of autistic children have reported that removing heavy metals from their children’s systems made their boy or girl’s life a little bit better. Some parents claim their daughter’s language improved or that they finally toilet trained their son, or perhaps it was just a sense that “the fog” isolating their child from the “real” world lifted a little bit. We heard even more dramatic claims that chelation had helped “cure” children of autism. Now, it may or may not be true, but you can understand why parents would want to believe something good could happen for their children. We learned early on in this story that the parents of autistic children rarely give up.
Parents like Jim Adams, a professor of chemistry at Arizona State University. I think that if I were an autistic child, he’d be the kind of father I’d want to have. He sees beyond convention, but uses reason, and he is totally devoted to children with autism. In today’s vernacular, he’s got their back.
When Jim and his wife, Marie, learned that their daughter Kim was autistic, their reaction was pretty normal. They grieved when doctors predicted a depressing future for their two year old, one without language, independence, friendship or hope. But they quickly rallied and became incredible advocates and activists for their autistic child.
One of the first things Jim did when he got the news about Kim was to trade in the study of materials engineering for the study of heavy metals and brain chemistry. Today he’s considered an expert on how vitamins and minerals interact with the brain, especially autistic brains. Marie and Jim have changed almost every other aspect of everyday life as well: from how they schedule their days (by putting Kim’s endless needs for tutoring, therapy and treatment first), to how they clean their house (no chemicals that could upset Kim’s sensitive system), to how they eat (lots of protein and no wheat for Kim.)
Being around them while shooting this story, you can tell that they don’t consider these changes in lifestyle an obligation. It’s just another expression of their love for a girl doctors wrote off years ago. And by the way, they’ve proven those doctors wrong. While Kim’s future is still uncertain, the fact is that at twelve, she still lives at home, communicates with language, plays games with her older sister, rides a bus to school and hugs you endlessly.
We met Jim and his family because of his latest endeavor. Along with a doctor named Matt Boral from the Southwest School of Naturopathic Medicine, Jim is on a quest. He wants to help answer a really explosive issue in the world of autism research: Do heavy metals, particularly mercury, play any part in causing autism—and/or does removing mercury from the body improve an autistic child’s health? Mercury is a known neuro-toxin and is found all around us, especially in pollution. But there is enormous controversy surrounding one particular source: childhood vaccines. Until it began being phased out of infant vaccines a few years ago, most childhood vaccines contained a preservative called thimerasol, which is primarily mercury. Many parents believe that it was routine vaccinations that helped precipitate their children’s autism.
That is not the position of government agencies, including the CDC and NIH, nor major scientific organizations, like the American Academy of Pediatrics. They maintain science has clearly established that there is no link between mercury from vaccines and autism. But somehow the question never dies, in part because activist parents question the government’s original research into the matter.
Jim Adams knows he’s stepping into what so far has proven to be a political and medical minefield, but as a scientist he says he’s just forging ahead. He’s conducting the first double blind, placebo controlled study on chelation, in which he’ll follow 80 autistic children to see if their health and behavior improve once they’ve rid their bodies of heavy metals, including mercury. If chelation helps them, the study will help chip away at the mainstream scientific view that mercury isn’t related to autism. If chelation doesn’t have any impact on them, Jim figures he’s helped put the issue to rest. But in either case, he says he’ll feel good knowing he’s advanced our understanding of autism.
Whether you are a parent of an autistic child, or just a producer reporting on one, you can’t help but admire people who’ve put aside anger or self-pity, and instead moved on to lead lives of curiosity, purpose and dedication. Which perhaps goes back to the original question about why 13 years later, I find myself doing a story on chelation. Why wouldn’t I? We all want the answers.
Dateline will follow up to see what happens as the study concludes sometime in the winter of 2006.
Our report on Jim Adams' quest and chelation airs Dateline Sunday, 7 p.m.
For information, resources and strategies on autism visit:
Friday, June 02, 2006
State: Racial disparities in Lakewood special ed placements
By Angela Delli Santi
Associated Press Writer
May 31, 2006, 6:45 PM EDT
TRENTON, N.J. -- The Lakewood School District discriminated against black and Hispanic preschoolers who qualified for special education programs, keeping them within the district while approving expensive, out-of-district placements for white students, the state Education Department confirmed.
The Education Department confirmed racial disparities outlined in a complaint filed last year by the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, which alleged systematic discrimination by Lakewood in its preschool special education program. The department directed the district to submit a corrective action plan by July 31.
"The numbers showed a clear pattern of discrimination on the basis of race," said ACLU-NJ Legal Director Ed Barocas. The Education Department agreed with the ACLU that the disparities could not have occurred by chance.
Barocas said only one of 94 nonwhite preschool special ed students was sent out-of-district during 2002 and 2003 while more than half of the 123 white preschool special ed students were referred out of the district.
Full article at:,0,2877950.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey
For information, resources, practical strategies on autism visit:
Associated Press Writer
May 31, 2006, 6:45 PM EDT
TRENTON, N.J. -- The Lakewood School District discriminated against black and Hispanic preschoolers who qualified for special education programs, keeping them within the district while approving expensive, out-of-district placements for white students, the state Education Department confirmed.
The Education Department confirmed racial disparities outlined in a complaint filed last year by the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, which alleged systematic discrimination by Lakewood in its preschool special education program. The department directed the district to submit a corrective action plan by July 31.
"The numbers showed a clear pattern of discrimination on the basis of race," said ACLU-NJ Legal Director Ed Barocas. The Education Department agreed with the ACLU that the disparities could not have occurred by chance.
Barocas said only one of 94 nonwhite preschool special ed students was sent out-of-district during 2002 and 2003 while more than half of the 123 white preschool special ed students were referred out of the district.
Full article at:,0,2877950.story?coll=ny-region-apnewjersey
For information, resources, practical strategies on autism visit:
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Please nominate us for a BlackWeb Award!
Please nominate our site, for a BlackWeb Award.
Our site shares well over two hundred credible pages of information, mostly free and low-cost resources and materials, and practical strategies to help parents and caregivers of loved ones living with autism. is the only site which specifically addresses issues related to African-Americans and autism.
Please go to: and nominate our site today!
Thank you!
Crystal Brown
Please nominate our site, for a BlackWeb Award.
Our site shares well over two hundred credible pages of information, mostly free and low-cost resources and materials, and practical strategies to help parents and caregivers of loved ones living with autism. is the only site which specifically addresses issues related to African-Americans and autism.
Please go to: and nominate our site today!
Thank you!
Crystal Brown
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