Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Biomedical treatments are helping children with autism.

Attention News/Health/Assignment Editors:

Biomedical treatments are helping children with autism.

Toronto, Aug. 30 /CNW/ - Cindy Zahoruk wondered why her 3 year old son Michael looked so unhealthy. He had dark circles under his eyes, chronic diarrhea, poor muscle tone and a very low energy level. Michael was also diagnosed with autism.

"We addressed his classic autistic symptoms, such as his difficulty communicating and socializing, with traditional treatments such as speech and behaviour therapy, however my husband and I were convinced there was something more to Michael's problem; something at a more complex, biological level" Zahoruk says.

Recent scientific studies have found that many children with autism suffer from severe gastro-intestinal problems, immune system imbalances, metabolic dysfunction, as well as severe vitamin deficiencies. As a result, many parents like Zahoruk are following a multi-disciplined approach to treating autism after witnessing how effective biomedical treatments can be in correcting many of these underlying problems. Zahoruk adds "We had to travel to the U.S. to see doctors specializing in bio-medical treatments for autism. Michael underwent dozens of medical tests followed by conventional and complementary medical treatments, which dramatically reduced many of his autistic symptoms".

Full article available at:

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