Thursday, June 30, 2005

Autism: 'There's this wonderful treatment -- but you can't have it'

Autism: 'There's this wonderful treatment -- but you can't have it'
30 June 2005

… Even when the diagnosis is finally made, often years after the best intervention can be provided, parents are faced with a bewildering array of choices. They are shown a laundry list of treatments, and assured that this is a matter for them to decide as parents. "No treatment has been shown to be superior to any other" is a commonly heard refrain.

The situation has been compared to being told that your child has cancer, and you're being asked to choose between chemotherapy, black coffee enemas, and having the child take long rides on horseback. All of these options, you're assured, will be equally valuable in treating the cancer. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth…

Full article available at:

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