Friday, May 06, 2005

Better Lives for People with Autism: Behavioral Treatment Helps People With Autism Achieve Independence and Control

By Denise Ross and Douglas Greer

NEW YORK, May 3 (AScribe Newswire) -- Following is an editorial by Denise Ross and Douglas Greer of Teachers College, Columbia University.
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The public has been much focused on autism of late as more media stories, movies and books represent people with this disorder. That's all to the good, but we are concerned by the argument -- sometimes made by people with autism themselves -- that this is not a condition, but merely a form of individual expression.

"Don't try to stop us from acting autistic," the argument goes. "Don't try to change our non-verbal behavior, our hand-flapping, crying, screaming and other 'tics' - because that's who we are."

Full article available at URL:

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