Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Autism - Mercury Poisoning, Epidemic levels breached...How Did This Happen?

Publisher press release available at URL: http://www.emediawire.com/releases/2005/3/emw221858.htm

The autism tragedy has reached epidemic levels in the U.S. and in other countries. Affected children number in the hundreds of thousands.

SEATTLE, WA (PRWEB) March 28, 2005 -- Every American child entering the public school system is required to receive 21 specified vaccinations designed to protect them from dangerous diseases. In his book, Mercury: The Winged Messenger (now available at online booksellers), Courtney L. Zietzke writes that a chemical added to those vaccines has exposed children to dangerous levels of toxic mercury, that has caused debilitating autism with the government’s full knowledge.

Zietzke, who learned of this dilemma after his own son became autistic after receiving 21 vaccinations before 16 months of age, has written Mercury: The Winged Messenger to inform people about the intentional addition of a deadly chemical to vaccines and the subsequent cover-up of this problem by officials.

The chemical additive Thimersoal has been added to vaccinations intentionally in order to maximize pharmaceutical profits from multi-dose vaccine bottles. Zietzke writes that about 50 percent of Thimerosal is mercury, a chemical the U.S. government has known is toxic since 1930. Despite clear warning signs and a sharp increase in sudden child autism, the government is protecting drug companies, Zietzke explains.

The Bush administration attempted to add an eleventh-hour provision in the Homeland Security Bill that would have protected the pharmaceutical industry from Thimerosal litigation, according to published reports. The government has also established a separate court of law to handle pharmaceutical cases, which issued a three-year statute of limitations provision significantly reducing the chance of recovery for children and financial assistance for victimized families. Zietzke highlights other highly suspicious circumstances related to this problem, including Bush administration officials’ close ties to drug giant Eli Lilly & Co., the company that added Thimerosal to the vaccines and marketed the product.

This eye-opening book illustrates how thousands of innocent American children have been put in danger by products meant to protect them. Zietzke believes that, to date, over 400,000 children have been heavy metal poisoned by these vaccines. “The people of the United States and the World need the truth to be told and the politicians need to help these children,” Zietzke writes. “So far, absolutely no help has been given. The pharmaceutical industry and the federal government have engaged in deceptive practices that have evaded the legal and moral processes of our society.”

It has been determined that children in the United Kingdom as well as a host of other countries are now suffering from this same affliction. The numbers of affected children have breached epidemic levels.

Zietzke and the medical community have spent the last three years investigating this issue. Thousands of concerned parents like Zietzke wanted answers into what had caused this national tragedy. The answers discovered are deeply disturbing.

Mercury: The Winged Messenger ( ISBN # 1-4184-3781-6 ) is available at all major online book sellers and is a must read book for every parent wanting to know the truth.

For more information and resources on autism, go to:

Wanda's comment:

Have you ever wondered what the autism-vaccine connection is about? But found learning the facts too technical, overwhelming or for some folks, even boring? If so, read Mercury: The Winged Messenger (A True Story of Corporate Greed & Political Corruption), written by Courtney L. Zietzke, a fellow parent of a child who is vaccine-injured with autism and mercury poisoning. This book tells the true story of what appears to be happening to far too many of our children. Warning: reading this book will in all likelihood make parents angry. The good news is we can put constructive use to our emotions and urge our government leaders to move forward quickly to ban mercury in vaccines and other biologic products (i.e. dental amalgams, and the commonly used labor-inducing drug, Pitocin), medically treat and educate our children, provide financial assistance to meet their needs and allow individuals who are vaccine-injured an opportunity to seek justice in a court of law.