Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Sad News from the Autism Research Institute

Dr. Bernard Rimland, fondly known as the "father of autism" passed away on November 21, 2006, at age 78.

Rimland’s book "Infantile Autism: The Syndrome and Its Implications for a Neural Theory of Behavior" dispelled the “refrigerator mother” view that autism was due to cold, uncaring mothers caused their children to withdraw into themselves. Rimland concluded autism is a neurological disorder.

Rimland reasoned autism is an epidemic, as one in every 166 children is diagnosed with the disorder. He believed heavy metals in vaccines, namely Thimerosal played a major role in the increase of cases, and supported a grass-roots movement among parents to have Thimerosal removed from vaccines.

Dr. Rimland founded the Autism Society of America, the largest autism organization in the U.S.

In 1967, Rimland established the Autism Research Institute (http://www.autismwebsite.com/ARI/index.htm) to conduct research, disseminate the results of research, on the causes of autism and on methods of preventing, diagnosing and treating autism, and provides information based on research to parents and professionals throughout the world. child-autism-parent-cafe.com

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