Friday, February 06, 2009

NYS Proposal to Cut SSI Benefits

(E-mail excerpt from Autism Speaks)
Although there has been no increase in the state supplement
for 20 years, this year the New York Executive Budget is proposing
to cut the state supplement to Social Security Insurance (SSI) payments
for New Yorkers who are aged, blind or have a disability, such as autism.
The proposed legislation would cut benefits by over 25% for individuals
and couples living alone in the community and 45-70% for those living
with other and are scheduled to occur in June 2009. Now more than
ever we need to preserve the safety net for those with autism who
are SSI beneficiaries.

How You Can Help:

1. Contact Governor David Paterson and your state representatives today!

Tell them that individuals with autism depend on this income to provide for
their most basic needs, including housing and food. These proposed cuts will
result in more people with autism being forced into costly institutional
settings because they can't get the support they need to remain in their own

Governor David Paterson - (518) 474-8390

2. Forward this e-mail to everyone you know and ask them to take action too.

To learn more about Autism Votes, an initiative of Autism Speaks focused on
federal and state legislative advocacy, please visit

Novel Cartoon Aid Helps Children Recognize Emotions

A new study to be published in the Journal of Autism and Developmental
Disorders from Cambridge University has found that after watching The Transporters DVD for just 15 minutes a day for four weeks, most children with autism caught up with other children in their ability to recognize emotions. Parents who have used the DVD have reported noticeable improvements and stronger emotional bonds with their children. Professionals have noted children commenting on other people’s feelings, often for the first time.

For more information go to

Parents United Learning the Special Education System

Parents United Learning the Special Education System

The Ridge School, a private school for high functioning Asperger's students in
Hyde Park, has been denied state approval to serve students with disabilities.

According to the NYS Department of Education, a private school serving
Asperger's students in Dutchess County is not needed at this time.

Come To The: Ridge School Rally

Saturday, February 14th, 1 Pm

Goshen Inn, 40 Park Place, Goshen

Support this school in their quest to become an approved special education

For more information contact:

Kathy Silgailis (845) 987-8054 or